A dedicated Infrastructure & Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) Practice

PPP Services

PPP Services / What We Do: Our services


We consult, advise, provide technical assistance and build the capacity of decisions makers to enable them to tackle, from a position of strength, the key strategic issues within infrastructure and public utilities, in relation to infrastructure finance and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs).

Our Expertise is delivered through dedicated infrastructure and PPP services, thus grouping our skills and resources into integrated and synergetic services, involving:

PPP Consulting & Advisory Services

Under our Consulting & Advisory Services, CDA provides to our institutional clients; independent, innovative and analytical inputs on the concept, the process and the technical aspects on major infrastructure development policies and institutional reforms, finance and public-private partnerships (PPPs), operations and enterprise and asset management decisions.

In line with the client’s overall sectoral or economic development plan, our Consulting and Advisory services involve carrying out studies, conducting analysis, providing technical positions and giving technical advice. As outputs, we provide a clear cut, straight forward pragmatic and sustainable Study Reports, Advisory Notes following face to face consultation meetings with clients, and Technical Notes.

Our Study Reports, Advisory and Technical Notes would outline the choices available to you and make recommendations of an optimal choice to you, taking into account your specific circumstances be it on: Infrastructure Policy & Institutional reforms; Infrastructure Finance & PPPs, infrastructure/Utilities Operations, Enterprise and Asset Management.

For CDA Consulting and Advisory services, please contact us at: cda@cdaconsult.com.

PPP Technical Assistance Services

Under our Technical Assistance Services, CDA would assigns a few of its experts to your organisation, to work alongside your own experts, thus bringing our expertise to your organisation on critical assignments. These services aim at transferring modern international knowledge, skills and best practices on infrastructure finance & PPP, to your experts.
For CDA Consulting Technical Assistance Services, please contact us at: cda@cdaconsult.com

PPP Executive Capacity Building Services

About CDA Consulting Executive Capacity Building Programmes

Our Executive Capacity Building services are renown for offering a unique set of skills coupled with strategic hints that only a team of experienced professionals with a depth and breadth of knowledge and hands-on experience on infrastructure & PPPs, can deliver.

Our Programmes are high content, real-life classroom exercises, built on practical experience and underpinned by strong academic fundamentals.

Research-based and solution-oriented with a strong element of practicality, CDA Executive Capacity Building Programmes are designed to provide direct responses to current and short-term challenges facing our clients in their critical strategic decisions relating to infrastructure and public-private partnerships (PPPs) policy, reforms, implementation and operations.

They are aimed at strengthening our clients’ corporate capabilities through the continuous learning and refreshing the knowledge of their executives on the fundamentals of market economy concepts and sound management principles; to enable them strategically improve the implementation of public infrastructure and services delivery, improve their performance and sustain the viability of such infrastructure and services in the long-term.

Our Approach to Executive Capacity Building

CDA approach to executive capacity building is two folds:

  • To provide modular executive programmes made of specific courses that would have an immediate double impact and empower infrastructure and utilities decisions makers to address, in the short term, the current operational performance and/or quality and levels of service challenges, while steering their infrastructure and utilities services into a strategic direction to ensure its sustainability in the medium to the long run.
  • To provide a few specialist topics where local expertise may be weak.
Modes of delivery of Executive Capacity Building

Through specialized executive briefings, intensive workshops and seminars, and in association with leading institutions and business organizations worldwide; we provide bespoke executive development programmes for senior policy and decision makers in infrastructures and public-private partnerships (PPPs). Theses programmes are delivered through:

  • High level Classroom presentations
  • Interactive Group Exercises
  • Technical Site Visits
  • Delegates Presentations
Our Faculty and Programmes Directorsts

Our Faculty and Programmes Directors are specialists in infrastructure and public utilities sectors. They have established a long reputation for strong project management, and delivery of high quality consultancy projects and highly-rated executive capacity building programmes on Infrastructure policy, reforms, regulation, operations, finance & PPPs.

They have a long established reputation for strong project management, delivery of authoritative consultancy projects and highly-rated executive capacity building programmes and technical briefings on the various topics across the utilities sectors. On each individual consultancy project and/or executive capacity building programme, our team totals on average 70 years of experience.

Formats of delivery of Executive Capacity Building

CDA Executive Capacity Building Programmes are delivered in the various formats, as:

  • International Executive Programmes : Delivered in UK and Worldwide These are programmes open to all organizations worldwide
  • In-Country Executive Programmes: Delivered in a specific Country and open to all organisations in the country.These are programmes open to all organizations in a country where the programme takes place
  • In – House Executive Programmes: delivered for an organisation for its own staff.

These are Executive Programmes designed for a specific client infrastructure/utility Ministry or Agency, on a specific topic to meet the specific the learning needs of its workforce.

Upon receiving a request from a Client, CDA Consulting team will undertake a TNA exercise with the client in view of ascertaining the specifications and to identify the learning aims and objectives pursued by the Client.

Once this assessment is finalized, we design a bespoke executive capacity building programme to meet the client’s learning needs objectives.

In-House Executive Capacity Building Programmes are a cost-effective way of disseminating and building the capacity of a larger segment of your workforce.

Typically, we design and deliver In-House executive programmes for up to 40 middle to senior executives.

For further details on our Executive Capacity Building Programmes, please contact at: capacitybuilding@cdaconsult.com

Topics  Covered

Our executive programmes are drawn from wide range of topics within our areas of expertise across infrastructure and utilities, and throughout the whole PPP Project life-cycle.
The topics covered in our executive capacity building programmes fall under the following main areas of our expertise and focus:

Infrastructure policies & Institutional Reforms

Infrastructure Finance & Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)

Infrastructure/Utilities Operations, Enterprise and Asset Management

Upcoming Executive Capacity Building Programmes

For Our Upcoming Executive Programmes, please click the following the link:Upcoming Executive PPP Programmes or contact us at: capacitybuilding@cdaconsult.com

Eng. Peter Njaggah
Director, Technical Services - WASREB

The Programme has equipped me with the adequate skills to steer PPP projects…

Eng. James Gatitu Njuguna
Director, Road Asset & Corridor Management (KenHa)

The Programme met my expectations and I am now more informed on PPP financing .

Hon. Inusah Adbulai Fuseni
(Former) Minister of Roads and Highways, Ghana

The Programme has taught me more than what I thought PPPs were about? –  High end expertise in Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)!

Mr Theophile Matondo Mbungu
Director General – Central Bureau of Coordination- Ministry of Finance/Congo DRC

An exceptional PPP programme, heavy, detailed and offering a compact body of PPP Knowledge. – More than Value for Money……

Make an Enquiry Now

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